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The St. John Vianney and Daniel Murphy High School Alma Mater:

Alma Mater
Daniel Murphy High School
(1966 - Present)

Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,
thee so nobly named.
May thy virtues be exalted
and thy sons far-famed.
Loyal sons we'll always be
serving true and faithfully.
Through the years,
Daniel Murphy High.

School Colors:

Red, Black and White

School Motto:

"The Noble man plans noble deeds
and by noble deeds He stands."

Alma Mater
St. John Vianney High School
(1954 - 1966)

Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,
thee so nobly named.
May thy virtues be exalted
and thy sons far-famed.
Loyal sons we'll always be
serving true and faithfully.
Through the years,
Vianney High.

In our hearts, we will recall
joys of student days.
Always may thy hallowed halls
resound with hymns of praise.
Hymns of courage, honor, too.
We will sing, we pledge to you.
Through the years,
Vianney High.

You are listening to the original St. John Vianney Alma Mater as sung by Vianney's Glee Club in 1964.

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